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Career Tips

It is important that whether for business or personal use that you follow the basics of email etiquette. Follow these tips and improve your communication skills.


  • Make sure your e-mail includes a courteous greeting and closing. Address your contact with the appropriate level of formality and make sure you spelled their name correctly.
  • Spell -check your e-mails before clicking the send button. Read it aloud and proof read whatever you are sending.
  • Be sure you are including all relevant details or information necessary to understand your request or point of view. Be specific in what you are writing.
  • Type in complete sentences. To type random phrases or cryptic thoughts does not lend to clear communication.
  • Never assume the intent of an email. If you are not sure -- ask so as to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.
  • Just because someone doesn't ask for a response doesn't mean you ignore them. Always acknowledge emails from those you know in a timely manner.
  • Keep emails brief and to the point.
  • Always end your emails with "Thank you," "Sincerely," "Take it easy," "Best regards" - something!
  • Do not type in all caps. That's yelling or reflects shouting emphasis.
  • Do not use patterned backgrounds. Makes your email harder to read.
  • Refrain from using multiple font colors in one email. It makes your email harder to view and can add to your intent being misinterpreted.
  • Only use Cc: when it is important for those you Cc: to know about the contents of the email. Overuse can cause your emails to be ignored.
  • Always include a brief Subject. No subject can get your email flagged as spam.
  • Think about your motives when adding addresses to CC, BCc. Use your discretion.
  • Make sure when using BCC: that your intentions are proper. To send BCC: copies to others as a way of talking behind someone’s back are inconsiderate.
  • If someone asks you to refrain from forwarding emails they have that right and you shouldn't feel bad or take it personally.
  • When forwarding email, if you cannot take the time to type a personal comment to the person you are forwarding to-then don't bother.
  • If you must forward to more than one person, put your email address in the TO: field and all the others you are sending to in the BCc field to protect their email address from being published to those they do not know. This is a serious privacy issue!
  • Choose your email address wisely. It will determine, in part, how you are perceived.
  • Try not to make assumptions when it comes to email. Always ask for clarification before you react.
  • Posting or forwarding of private email is copyright infringement -- not to mention downright rude. You need permission from the author first!
  • When there is a misunderstanding by email, please convey the same through mails it makes the communication clear.
  • Know that how you type, and the efforts you make or don't make will indicate what is important to you and if you are an educated courteous person.
  • If you forward an email that turns out to be a hoax, have the maturity to send an apology follow up email to those you sent the misinformation to.
  • When filling out a contact form on a Web site, do so carefully and with clarity so your request is taken seriously.
  • If you cannot respond to an email promptly, at the very least email back confirming your receipt and when the sender can expect your response.
  • When replying to emails always respond promptly and edit out unnecessary information from the post you are responding to.
  • Never send business attachments outside of business hours and confirm that the format in which you can send can be opened by the other side.
  • Feel free to modify the Subject: field to more accurately reflect a conversation's direction.
  • While putting reminder e-mails see to it that you have given adequate time for him to reply and only then send a reminder. Otherwise the receiver would feel pressurized.
  • When it comes to your email communications, know who you can trust; trust only those you know.
  • Take the time to review each email before clicking ‘Send’ to ensure your message is clear and you are relaying the tone that you desire.